It's time to create a business and life that makes you feel proud. 

I've always believed in the power of learning and personal growth to help us become the best versions of ourselves, both in our business and personal lives. When we invest in one area, the others truly flourish as well.

In the midst of our busy industry, it's easy to forget to prioritize our own education. But let me tell you, when you begin to work on nurturing yourself, watch as your world shifts -- including your art! 

Remember, great things don't happen within our comfort zones. So dare to step out and embrace new challenges. That's where the magic truly happens and I am here to facilitate that experience in a safe and intentional way! 

An investment in your business is

an investment in yourself.

bespoke customized mentorship sessions 

why education?

Are you ready to Invest in yourself and your business ?

I am guessing if you are here, it's likely because you're the proud owner of a growing photography business and maybe feeling a bit uncertain or stuck about where to turn for guidance while running the show and being a creative entrepreneur. As someone who's been in your shoes, and let's keep it real here, is still figuring it all out herself, I can tell you that I've spent the last several years learning from mistakes, growing in my art, building my client connections and gaining invaluable experiences all the while witnessing that with the right mindset and ability to tune out the rest, you can truly build the business of your dreams!

That's why I've created these relaxed and personalized mentorship opportunities for photographers who are determined to pursue their passion and achieve their goals, knowing that a little support can make the world of difference. 

Whether you're eager to expand your creative mindset, elevate your posing, learn how to incorporate storytelling into your work, or simply need some assistance with the backend of your business, these 1:1 mentorships are here to offer you tailored and actionable advice that aligns perfectly with your unique business goals. The best part? We can customize the mentorship experience entirely, which means each sessions will be personalized just for you! 

If you're looking to finally push yourself out of your comfort zone, feel confident in your art and truly feel empowered within your business -- the time is now. I got you! 

Let's dive into a relaxed journey that will help you to thrive in the photography industry while feeling proud, fulfilled and ready to snatch your goals! 


90 minute online session from the comfort of your home. This is a fully customizable chat where we can talk workflow, editing, storytelling, business, marketing -- the options are endless! 

Starting at $550


A one-on-one in person mentorship session. The perfect opportunity to spend the day learning and getting creative together! 

We will spend the first half of our time talking over everything you want to know! Afterwards we will do a creative shoot together. I’ll show you how I direct, story tell and simply have a good time with my clients. 

*Two options of shoots available, a casual lifestyle or a more stylized editorial*

Starting at $1800

"I highly recommend Carissa for anyone who feels a little stuck in their business and who could use some advice. - my one on one mentorship was so helpful and made me feel like I was ready to move to the next phase of my business" 

Make your
business grow.

Fill out the form and tell me how I can help you scale your business. 

I can't wait to empower you and encourage you to be your best self and create meaningful art.