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Kristy + Chris In-home Maternity Session Edmonton, Alberta  Edmonton Maternity Photographer  I knew I loved you before I met you There isn’t enough kind words to say about these two humans and the love I have for them. First I will lead with … MY FRIEND IS HAVING A BABY GIRL!! I have known Kristy […]

Kristy + Chris // In home Maternity session – Baby Mac // Edmonton Maternity Photographer

cute pregnant couple with their black lab sitting on a couch cuddling


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Chelsey + Kyle IKEA they’re cute // IKEA Couples Session  Edmonton, Alberta  Edmonton Couples Photographer  This is probably going to be a major over share but to be honest, I don’t really care because this session was SO AWESOME! This IKEA couples session was honestly everything I had dreamed of doing plus more!! A few […]

Chelsey + Kyle // IKEA Couples Session // Edmonton Couples Photographer


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Hipster Couples Session Inside IKEA, Edmonton engagement session inside IKEA. Edmonton Engagement Photographer with fun cute couples