Chelsey + Kyle IKEA they’re cute // IKEA Couples Session 
Edmonton, Alberta 
Edmonton Couples Photographer 

This is probably going to be a major over share but to be honest, I don’t really care because this session was SO AWESOME! This IKEA couples session was honestly everything I had dreamed of doing plus more!! A few years ago after moving from Victoria to Edmonton, I became obsessed with going to IKEA. We don’t have one on the island, you have to go to the mainland for your Swedish needs so when I moved here I was thrilled! I had always thought about how cool a shoot inside would be, I mean, have you ever seen the designs these people do….IT’S AMAZING and always makes me want to remodel my house or any space for that matter haha I hummed and hawed over my idea of doing a shoot inside and procrastinated doing it. Anytime I had made a mention I would usually get a raised brow with “really Ikea?” so I guess I was nervous?? nervous of rejection, of failure or having someone laugh at me. Then at my most recent visit to IKEA I thought, you know what…who cares what anyone thinks?! why the heck do I give so much power to other people opinions, this shoot was for me…not them and I wanted to DO IT. Sooooo, I posted on my social media account (shameless plug if you aren’t following me – do so here) and did a model call! I finally settled on Chelsey and Kyle because when I told them about my idea, not only did they not bat an eye they told me that literally every weekend they go to IKEA.

I was able to get my super talented friend and make-up artist on board Alisa of Delicious Beauty to doll up chels and plans were set! Honestly this shoot was totally for me, there was no pressure, no expectations, I wanted to create and try new techniques and play around. The light in IKEA was obviously not soft beautiful natural light but it was a learning processing and allowed me to use light to the best of my advantage.

Everyone talks about goals for the New Year and the goal I have for me is to be better than myself yesterday. I want to continue to push myself, learn new techniques, learn to master light, learn to convey true emotions in my images and mostly, just to have some fun because sometimes this gig can be realllllllly draining and tough.

I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I do! PSA – there is 91 images in this blog post but I promise they are worth the scroll!!

Thank you Chelsey and Kyle for trusting in me and being the best little models that any photog could ask for. A big thanks to Alisa for taking time out of her life to do this shoot with us and ALSO, thank you IKEA, for being so awesome and allowing me to use your store as the backdrop to this shoot. I love you and all of your rad designs. Please come and decorate my home haha

Follow your dreams people, go for whatever idea you want because it’s worth it in the end and hey, you owe it to yourself to try!



  1. dayton says:

    YOURE AMAZING! i love you & I’m SO proud!!

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