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2018 Year In Review // Carissa Marie Photography  Reflecting on an amazing year of Weddings and Adventure Sessions    I’ve never put together a year in review blog post before but I wanted to showcase my weddings from 2018 and I thought it would be cool to look back and to share some images with […]

2018 Year In Review // Carissa Marie Photography Edmonton Wedding + Couples Photographer

Fun bridal party images on New Years Even Winter Wedding


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Traci +Daniel’s Anniversary Adventure Session Peyto Lake, AB Banff Wedding Photographer  I had the absolute pleasure of photographing Traci and Daniel on their first wedding anniversary in the most beautiful location, Peyto Lake. I had seen photos all over social media and always wished I could go there! Not only did I get the chance […]

Traci + Daniel // Peyto Lake Anniversary Adventure Session // Banff Wedding Photographer


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Adventurous couple standing on top of a mountain at Peyto Lake Alberta for an anniversary adventure session