The Jordans Family Session
Victoria BC
I am so lucky that I have had the pleasure of photographing the Jordans not once but twice now! Last time we got together, Renee was pregnant with Anderson and on a chilly day in December, I had her in the water… YUP #badass – check out the session here if you don’t believe me!
This time around Anderson is a busy toddler, Renee has baby number two on the way (so so happy for you guys) and our session was a little different due to Covid – we roamed around Beacon Hill Park before heading to the beach and took in all the small moments that were unfolding around us. I absolutely love any opportunity to do session in my home town and it’s such an honour to be able to continually document memories for my friends as their lives evolve and change.
Thank you once again for trusting in me, I cannot wait to come back to Victoria and document your newest addition xoxo
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