Welcome to the world Halle Grace
Edmonton, AB
A Birth Story

I have no words that can even begin to describe how incredibly grateful I am to have been a part of Kristy, Chris + baby Halle’s birth story. To witness a birth is unlike anything I can explain but to be there for one of your best friends through labor; well now that’s so freaking special. I’ve never seen more love, strength and unwavering support during such a wonderful but challenging time. Birth is no joke but this mama absolutely rocked it; she laboured hard and strong with Chris by her side offering support and love through out it all.

Kristy you are an absolute rock star and I’m so freakin proud of you girl. Thank you for allowing me to be there as your doula and as your photographer. Watching you grow into the amazing mama that you are over the past few months has been such a blessing and I am so excited that our children will get to grow up together!

Welcome to the world Halle Grace. You are so loved little one, never forget that! xox

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