Photography Workshop
Ucluelet/ Tofino, BC
Hosted by: Myrtle and Moss Photography

Find your vibe. Find your tribe.

Back in May I took an investment in myself and my love for photography and attended a life changing workshop. After having my sweet little man, Leo, back in September, I would be lying if I said I didn’t struggle a little. I struggled with the feeling of loosing myself as a person while I transitioned into the role of a mother. I felt lost within myself but I didn’t know how to get back that part of me, the part that was just me as Carissa and not Carissa as a mother. I had been following Angie’s work for a while via Instagram, amazed at her ability to capture such intimacy and such genuine love on camera. To say she is a talented photographer is an understatement… please do yourself the favour and CREEP HER NOW!! (Did you do it? See I told you she’s amazeballs) I was in the middle of a late night breastfeed and ventured over to her website and saw the title” Workshops” and decided to take a look. All I can say is I am SO glad I did, after reading what the Inspire[d] retreat was all about, I emailed her almost immediately and wanted in!

Fast forward to the day I arrived in Ucluelet, I remember feeling anxious as I got Lorren to drop me off at the house where all the woman were staying. With Leo being only 7 1/2 months old, plus still breastfeeding, we decided it was best for us to go as a family and stay in our own accommodations…actually even my mom and sister came up from Victoria to spend the week with us!! So I did feel a little bit nervous that maybe I would be the odd woman out from the group (crazy talk). Angie came out the front door in her PJ’s, hair in a messy bun and greeted me with a big warm embrace, I knew instantly I was in good company. Entering the house, it got even better as I met all the incredible woman that soon I would come to know as not only fellow creatives but my friends.

Honestly, I could go on and on and on and on and ON, about how amazing this trip was. How being surrounded with strong, powerful and amazingly talented woman just fed my soul. How breathing in the salt air and feeling the sea water touch my feet made me feel like a badass who could take on the world! It was genuine, it was real and it helped to bring me back to me. I learnt SO much about photography , all areas of it. I felt ignited. Watching Angie work, seeing her love and passion for it, well it was hard not to feel that flame inside yourself. Its pretty amazing though that woman from all different walks of life, different countries, different backgrounds, different personalities…how we simply came together and despite all odds to maybe not mesh together well we fit like a freakin’ delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Out of all the take aways I learned from this workshop and trust me there was many, the big one that stuck with me the most is don’t be afraid to go for what you want in life. Follow your passion, be who you are and let go of anyone who judges or criticizes you for chasing that dream! And to all the mothers out there… It’s OK to feel a little lost at times, you are still you. Go easy on yourself. You got this.




**Sidenote – I know this is the longest blog post but if you make it to the end of the photos you will thank me….and Dallas **

Meet Natasha

Meet Steph

  Meet Angie

Meet Candice


Meet Jaclyn


Meet Essie

Meet Kara

I told you it would be worth it … Meet Dallas

  1. JACLYN says:

    You are such a great writer, photographer, creative and mother! So happy that we crossed paths on this trip! Thanks for letting me join you in reminiscing of how amazing this trip was through this post… That last photo——-perfect!

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