Kiri +IanĀ 
Edmonton, AB
Playing in the rain, Engagement Session

When the forecast showed rain for Kiri and Ian’s engagement session I was a little bummed because most couples will cancel our session. I mean photographing in the rain is a difficult, for one you have to make sure your gear stays dry and if it pours keeping focus can be a bit tricky and let’s be honest looking like a wet dog is never our ideal vision for your engagement photos! However when they pulled up at our location spot and I said, do you want to give it a go anyway Kiri and Ian said “let’s do it!”

We ventured out to Johnny’s store to seek a little shelter from the storm, (how cool is this store though!!) and once we finished taking some photos there we headed to a Canola field to really play up the “playing in the rain” when it really started to pour we went to Kiri’s parents house just down the road and had some chips and a beer to wait out the weather. It didn’t look like it was going to stop so we did one last ditch attempt and ran outside and gave it our all, getting so soak I am surprised my camera was still working!!

Honestly, it takes a whole lot of trust for your clients to agree to a rainy session, especially when it comes to something as special as your engagement session! Kiri and Ian did just that with me, they trusted me. They let any expectations that had go and allowed whatever was going to happen, happen. and what happened? WE HAD FUN!

When I sent them some teaser images, Kiri thanked me for sticking it out in the rain with her an Ian, she said that they are so glad they listened to me and stayed for the session. They loved their photos but most importantly they had fun together, Ian said it was better than date night!!

I can’t wait to photograph their wedding coming up at the end of December, I know that we will have such a great day and capture some awesome memories!



  1. Sara Jewell says:

    Please give me a session in the rain! I love how you just take the moment and run with it xo

  2. Kayla says:

    Eeeep love sudden rain storms, they are so romantic! Love how you and the couple embraced it and just had fun with what the universe was giving you. This shoot also gives me sooo much nostalgia! Beautiful

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